IBM — Banking on the Cloud
Role: Art Direction, Motion Design, Editing, Template Authoring
A series produced by Bloomberg Media Studios for IBM. The 3 episodes covered IBM's Cloud for Financial Services™ highlighting key benefits of the technology. 
The series is part of a rapid response program from Bloomberg Media Studios. Recruited by Bloomberg as a creative partner to develop the visual direction and a modular set of graphics templates. 
Banking on the Cloud
Episode 1
ERT: 42 Sec
Banking Customer Experience Transformed by Cloud
Episode 2
ERT: 48 Sec
Building Trust in the Cloud in Regulated Industries
Episode 3
ERT: 51 Sec
From the explainer series
Graphics template elements developed for the series
Client: IBM
Production: Bloomberg Media Studios
Executive Producer: Dylan Fergus
Creative Director: Dave Rodriguez
Creative Video Lead: Martin Hayward
Motion Designer: Fabian Tejada
Editor: Fabian Tejada
Graphics Template authoring: Fabian Tejada
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