Fabian Tejada is a Motion Designer based in Tucson, Arizona. He founded De Los Angeles studio, where he crafts design and motion for advocacy, documentary, and advertising clients. Fabian's love for design started with an internship program in high school, which led him to pursue a BFA and MFA in Computer Art at the School of Visual Arts in New York City. During his time there, he discovered his passion for using animation as a powerful storytelling device, which has been a driving force throughout his career.

Over the years, Fabian has worked with numerous high-profile clients, including, the Environmental Defense Fund, The World Bank, The Pew Research Center, PBS News Hour, Vox, Bloomberg News, and more. He has also lent his talent as a freelance motion designer to top-notch studios like Imaginary Forces, Pentagram, 2x4, The Mill, Brand New School, and Viacom.

Fabian's exceptional work has earned him numerous accolades throughout his career. His contribution to First Lady Michelle Obama’s #votingsquad initiative in 2020 was selected by AIGA as one of the top 50 Design projects in Washington, DC. In June 2018, he was awarded a Capital Emmy award for contributing to the documentary short ‘Did Rats Start the Drug War? Additionally, Fabian led the animation team at Imaginary Forces in the now-iconic Mad Men title sequence in 2007.

Apart from his commercial projects, Fabian loves to collaborate with filmmakers and volunteer for Creative Mornings and AIGA to inspire and gain inspiration from others. When he is not designing or animating, he enjoys spending time with his family or going on bike rides around Tucson.
Awards & Recognition
2022 AIGA Best of AZ - Motive Journey 
2022 AIGA Best of AZ - TikTok: Business Case Study
2022 AIGA Best of AZ - TikTok: Care Products
2021 AIGA Best of AZ - Ken Burns American Heritage Prize
2021 AIGA Best of AZ - Grammy  Museum Map
2021 W3 Awards - SCL: The Word - Silver
2020 W3 Awards - Generalist vs. Specialist: Which is Better? - Silver
2020 W3 Awards - IWF The Weekly Rundown - Silver
2020 AIGA 50 - WWAV #VotingSquad - Winner
2019 Capital Emmy - Generalist vs. Specialist - Nomination 
2020 Telly Awards - WWAV #VotingSquad - Bronze
2018 Capital Emmy - Did Rats Start the Drug War? - Winner 📹
2018 AIGA 50 - Can an Algorithm Catch a Serial Killer? - Winner
2018 TIVA Awards - Music of The Spheres - Bronze
2018 TIVA  Awards - Can an Algorithm Catch a Serial Killer? - Bronze
2018 TIVA  Awards - Preventing Cognitive Decline & Dementia - Silver
2018 TIVA Awards - The High Cost of Free Parking - Silver
2018 Telly Awards - Music of the Spheres - Silver
2018 Telly Awards - Can an Algorithm Catch a Serial Killer? - Silver
2018 Telly Awards - Music of the Spheres - Bronze
2018 Telly Awards - The High Cost of Free Parking - Bronze
2017 Capital Emmy - The High Cost of Free Parking - Nomination
2017 Capital Emmy - #MyDCcool - Nomination
2017 Capital Emmy - Can an Algorithm Catch a Serial Killer? - Nomination
2014 Red Dot Awards  - Pepsi Spire - Interactive Installation - Winner
2011  Cannes Gold Cyber Lion - Toyota Prius "Goes Plural - Winner
2009 PromaxBDA Awards - Fuel TV "First Hand" - 2x Bronze
2008 ADC - Distinctive Merit for Excellence: "Mad Men" Titles 
2008 PromaxBDA BDA Design - "Mad Men" Title Sequence - Gold
2008 Primetime Emmy Award - Main Title Design: "Mad Men" - Winner
2007 Telly Awards - BET Notarized - Bronze
2007 One Show - Nike One Time Only - Gold
2006 One Show - Nike Considered - Gold
2003 American Graphic Design Awards - CC "Comic Remix" - Winner
2002 AIGA Medal - 745 7TH AVENUE SIGNAGE - Gold
2002 ADC Medal - 745 7TH Avenue Signage  - Gold
1999 ADC Award - Equis - Merit
1998 Dusties Film & Video Awards - Equis - Winner

Talks & Events
2023 Creative Mornings Tucson: Movement in Visual Storytelling, Speaker
2023  Bard Tales Article: Is AI Replacing Human Creativity? Contributor
2023 AIGA AZ Portfolio Review, Guest Critic
2022 Texas State University Comdes Exit Review, Motion Judge
2022 AIGA AZ Portfolio Review, Guest Critic
2021 AIGA AZ Portfolio Review, Guest Critic
2020 AIGA 50 Design Competition, Judge
2020 Sixty Second Capital Emmy Awards, Super Judge
2020 Freecano — A Philosophy & Art Virtual Exhibition, Group show
2020 Freecano Reunion Virtual Conversation, Group show
2020 DC in Motion #MotionFlashback2019, Co-organizer, co-host
2019 DC in Motion #NextStop at Dupont Underground,  Group show
2019 AIGA DC Creative Review at Optoro,  Guest critic
2019 WIFV Animators Roundtable: Top 5 List Challenge Game, Contestant
2018 DC Summer Loops at Dupont Underground, Group show
2017 WaitWhatPro Podcast, Artist with Agency # 45, Speaker
2016 AIGA DC Salon, Nonprofits in Motion: Creating  Motion Graphics with a Purpose, Speaker
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