Barack Obama Open Enrollment 2019
Role: Art Direction, Animation, Visual Effects​​​​​​​
Former President Barack Obama shares his 2019 Holiday gift list.
The best one?

Health care for you or somebody you care about.
Go to and get covered.
Worked directly with Barack Obama's internal press team to expedite this message to millions of Americans in need of Healthcare before the end of the year.
ACA Open Enrollment
Full Spot
ERT: 2:32
Before & After Shots
The following before & after shots showcasing some of the work in post. From Title Card design, tracking, and compositing.
Broll transition to Title Card
Sweater Showcase background paint
Tracking & Rotoscope was done to replace the prop Health Insurance card on set
Christmas Tree Gifts and Table Surface clean up
Prop Health Insurance Card Design 
Title Cards: Design & Animation
Set Design & Props
Director: Adam Garber
Director of Photography: Will Chilton
Editor: Adam Garber
Art Director: Fabian Tejada
Animation & Compositing: Fabian Tejada

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